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Member Since 02 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2013 08:47 PM

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Hybrid rocket motors

09 April 2013 - 09:23 AM

Hi Folks,


This is my first post so excuse my lack of knowledge,


When I was younger I thought nothing of launching my little D sized Estes model rockets, and some times ventured into making my own motors from sugars and potasium nitrate, But seeing as that is some what of a toboo area now, I read a few places saying that you cant make them any more, and others saying you can so long as you do not exceed a combined weight of 100g.


So I thought i would play it a little safer and go down the route of hybrid power. Im really just looking a a project to gain knowledge of how these things work (i know the basics and that about it). I want to build a small one to do a few test runs on a bench. Just so I can get to know my way arround things before i venture out into making anything any larger.


Is there any where that have any plans or designs that i can work too to build my first motor, with regards to what fuels are used.


I know some are a solid fuel in a tube format that is ignited and then nitrous oxide gas added to it to make the burn accelerate, and that others use liquid fuels etc...


I would like to know which is going to be simpler to firs produce to gain my knowledge.


Many thanks

