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Member Since 05 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2004 09:43 PM

Topics I've Started

Aluminum Sulfate

16 November 2003 - 11:06 PM

This fertilaiser was useless in my Pyro Experiments

Experiment #1

KCL04 - 60

AlSulfate - 30

S - 10

Hypothesis: No reaction because actual mix is only 8.00 % Aluminum

Result: Failed Ignition

Experiment #2

KN03 - 60

AirFloat - 20

S - 10

AlSulfate - 10

Hypothesis: General Ignition mixture is almost that of black powder... Not sure what AlSulfate will add into this...

Result: Went up in a WOOSH... small piecies of AlSulfate flew everywere...

Overall Tests: Failure

Simple Aluminum Powder

13 November 2003 - 03:10 AM

Get a food blender, you dont even need a mill attatchment. Also have a jug of water standing by.

Now, put enough soluble material (I use NaCl) into the blender and turn it on. You want enough so the blender doesnt throw everything around, but instead sets up a kind of cycle where the stuff comes up from the bottom and gets replaced by the stuff on top, so it plunges down the middle of the blender like a sinkhole.

Now, get some aluminium foil, and rip it into smallish pieces, about 1-2" square roughly. Place these into the blender, and manually shake it a bit to mix the foil in with the NaCl or whatever. Now, turn on the blender and use it in short bursts so as not to overheat it.

The foil gets finely ground up and has no escape from the blades as there is salt all around it!

Now, add the ground up mixture to water, the salt dissolves, and now filter the Al powder and there you go.

Source: Sonny Jim

Magnesium Oxide

07 October 2003 - 11:51 PM

Is this chemical used in pyrotechnics?, Ive been usuing it to make can hand warmers by combinding it with Hydrogen Peroxide.
Also.. the Zinc in batteries will it be less effective, than pure zinc?

Makeing Aluminium Powder

07 October 2003 - 02:18 AM

I know its easier to buy, just wan't to know how to do it, tried putting it in a blender, no good ;)

Synthesis Of Calcium Carbonate

02 September 2003 - 10:27 PM

Calcium Hydroxide( Ca(OH)2 ) also knows as slacked lime, dissolved in water and mixed with sand. As the mixture dries, the slacked lime crystallizes out of the solution and slowly reacts with the carbon dioxide in the air to form hard calcium carbonate ( Ca(OH)2 ).

Mix the sand according to volume.
The only problem with this is you need to break up the calcium carbonate with a hammer or something very hard and then ball mill it for atleast 3 hours if you want it very fine.

Never ball mill mixtures that could explode, and always use no sparking metals.