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Member Since 09 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2006 06:14 PM

Topics I've Started

Guess you'll treat me as a joke

28 March 2006 - 05:14 PM

I'm a little wierd so I thought an intro is in order. I have a great deal of respect for experience and I consider you people that work with thermite and will be the most knowledgable resource avalible. I am working on a project to give away to humanity. I look upon thermite as a good fuel source for firing a boiler. Our developement group made a low tech attempt. We realized a economic draw back in the way of lost equipment. It will be a little while before we can try again. In the meantime our lack of experience and fuel problems need to be addressed. Your administrator was kind and admitted me to the group as I don't specifically fit in. I am hoping you all will be tolerent of me for asking strange questions like, burning under water formulas and so on.

To give a simple list of problems,

Our fuel was falling apart, The fuel burned to fast, Fuel wafers were to hard to feed under pressure.

We are hoping now to slow the burn and burn at a cooler temperature to get the heat source moved outside the boiler to get rid of one problem we see no other way to get rid of. We have been unable to figure out a way to remove the build up of slag from a boiler under pressure. If we can get down to 2200c we can make a great deal of progress in a short time.