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Member Since 26 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2006 04:58 PM

Topics I've Started

Safety Training

26 November 2006 - 04:40 PM

Hay folks, excuse the lack of knowledge, but well, thats why I am here.

So where to start... Ok so what is Airsoft, well it is a sport that uses military style tools and tactics, using replica weapons we reinact and create our own battle's. (picture a live computer game) though unlike the reinactment society, the battles are not historicaly accurate.

So why am I here? Ok well we do use pyro's, we use what we call mark 2's and mark 5's. I dont know if this is the right term for these, but when they explode, they fire dried pee's about a foot in all directions. (face and eye protection is mandatory in our sport).

Now, although these pyro's are very small, they still can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Although I consider myself a responsible adult, I have no training. What I am trying to find is a simple course that will inable me to play more safely.

If anyone has any suggestion's about what I should do, I would be very gratefull. Oh yes, we are in Northern Ireland.
