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Member Since 14 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 21 2010 09:36 AM

Topics I've Started

What the hell is rong whith this stuff

07 July 2007 - 06:33 PM

I just made a terrifying discovery,I was just sick of milling NaClO3 whith my mortar and pestle and made something incredible :I washed my coffe grinder very well and filled half of it whith NaClO3 and put it in my blasting chamber and turned it on.I made like 500 g of NaClO3 powder.After al that i came to a conclusion:SODIUM CLORATE is not sensitive to shock alone(not mixed whith other components).Whit all of that clorate I made NaClO3/Sdium benzonate whistle mix.

Another thing I wanted to know is if I can use NaClO3/Sodium benzonat whistle mix to launch shells.I tried to launch a peace of paper out of a paper tube(the tube had a bentonite clay end) whith a knife edge of whistle mix and it made BOOOM.Will it make the same whith shells?


23 June 2007 - 04:48 AM

God has sended his light on me,and I got 60 kg of NaClO3.So far I manage to make a very good whistle mix whit sodium benzonate.Here is a video of how it burns: whistle mix.I tested it and it works,the rochets whistle like hell and fly very high.

Now besides transforming it into other clorates what can I do whit it?

A new lift charge?

27 April 2007 - 05:43 AM

It is just in experimentation faze but I think it could be practical.I just mixt 10 g of S and 15 g of C(BBQ) and maket it a slurry by adding to it a solution of 50% AgNO3.Then spread it on a piece of glass and in 2 hours it is solid.After that I just make it the granulation I need and it ready.It burns much faster than normal granulated BP.Did somebody tryed this or I am the only one ?

Star compozition whit Barium Hydroxide

21 April 2007 - 05:33 PM

What stars can i make whit barium hydroxide or in what can i transform it(chemycaly) so it would be good for something?


09 April 2007 - 06:55 AM

How can I make round shells ?I mean the shell itself,not the construction of a shell.