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Member Since 09 Nov 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2005 02:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Updated My Site.

05 December 2003 - 10:30 AM

Just a word of advice, you get what you pay for in the world of web hosting, cheap hosting will most likely be filled with downtime and other problems. You pay like ?100 a year and you get a lot better reliability, automatic backups incase something should go wrong, and fast support. I signed up with a cheap hosting company in addition to my other 3 expensive ones as a test, and have found them to be very good so far. You get a comprehensive control panel with which you can control almost everything about your site. See http://creativesell.net, my site lcdgallery.net is currently hosted there.

In Topic: Web Server

29 November 2003 - 09:56 AM

Anyone with a connection to the internet can run their own server, you don't need any of this leased IP mallarky, becuase just by being connected to the net you have an IP, that everyone else on the net can connect to. This means you can run whatever you like on it and people will be able to connect from wherever. I have a couple at home for games and such on my LAN, but they are also accessible from the internet, should I want my friends to join in or something.

Panmaster, you need to read up on this subject if you want to get it going properly, it's pretty simple once you know how. First of all I would suggest removing IIS or putting it back into it's dungeon within Windows and use Apache. Your computer will have to be on all of the time if it is to be of any use to anyone, I have my Linux servers on 24/7 (they've been on for 95 days now, i'm going for personal best lol ;)). Then if you have a dynamic IP, you can get something that will always update a domain record with your IP as it changes, so people will always be able to access your computer. Have a look at www.dyndns.org

In Topic: Web Server

26 November 2003 - 06:51 PM

IIS is bad, full of security holes and other such nightmares.

http://httpd.apache.org is your friend. :)

In Topic: Labpak Chemicals

21 November 2003 - 11:12 PM

What is it that you do then gor? To stay on the right side of the law I mean. Am I right in thinking that small quantities of comp are legal, as long as they are not in the form of a complete device?

In Topic: flying jumping fish fuses

20 November 2003 - 01:57 PM

If only I could get some...

Ditto :lol: