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Member Since 13 Feb 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 12 2007 03:54 PM

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In Topic: Plastic tubes or paper tubes, which is safer?

13 February 2007 - 03:10 PM

We have done some testing on fiberglass mortars...


What we have found, Both HDPE and Fiberglass will hold up to about the same amount of force, but the HDPE stretches and contains a lot of that force before transfering it to the surounding rack and tubes.

Schrapnel from the surounding rack was thrown considerably farther from the rack blown up with a fiberglass mortar.

If you are hand firing, HDPE is the safer choice.
If you E-fire and will not have any people in the shoot zone and have good safety distances for your crowd, then that downside to fiberglass is nullified.

As far as schrapnel from the fiberglass mortar itself, the pieces we found were soft and feathery and do not appear that they would be a threat to anything more than scratching you. HDPE gives no schrapnel.

Fiberglass usually has either a Resin or concrete plug, where HDPE will have a wood plug, both can fly out and hit a shooter, but no different than the rack pieces.