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Member Since 26 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2011 07:35 AM

Topics I've Started

bpa level 2

24 July 2011 - 04:46 PM

we fire for a company that is not BPA registered but we would like to do BPA level 2 as before our level one runs out in 2013, the thing is there seems to be this unwritten rule that you prefer it if you don't fire for someone else, has anyone got any suggestions on how to get around this?

thank you in advance

hope you all had a good christmas

27 December 2010 - 09:09 PM

hope you all had a good christmas and that you all have a happy new year and busy New Year


21 March 2009 - 06:41 PM

i am not sure if this has been mentioned before, but where can you get some insurance to start doing shows when you want to do some shows alone, can you do it through a supplier or something like that as i have been approaced to do some shows, so any advice would be appricated i have approaced some but so far they have said no.

when is the

05 January 2009 - 02:26 PM

does anyone know when and where they firework trade show is going to be at, i very much would love to attend this event and need to plan around it thanks in advance......

did you have any problems on your displays

10 November 2008 - 10:22 PM

i was wondering if people had any problems on displays this year as we had a problem when we were assisting some so called more senior people, they turned the box on and didnt ask if people were clear ok it was only on and not on fire, but one of the cakes did go off near some people that were helping at the time.

other than this and some people playing football on the site where we wanted to set up and being generally awkward everything went fine i guess people here know the type thing you just arrive a few hours before to do a generally electric show