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Member Since 21 Feb 2008
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Posts I've Made

In Topic: Buell Red Prime

13 March 2008 - 08:03 PM

Do you think I can substitute parlon with PVC?

In Topic: Red And Green Stars

09 March 2008 - 08:07 PM

So red gum acts as binder! Can I roll them or it is a forlorn hope?

In Topic: Red And Green Stars

09 March 2008 - 01:28 PM

Thanks to all!
However I need more informations because I have never made other then silver and charcoal stars.

Chrys, in your composition:

barium nitrate 65
parlon 20
pyro aluminum 10
red gum 5
boric acid +2

Is possible to use magnalium instead of aluminium? In this case is boric acid needed on not? What prime and solvent it needs? Some dextrine must be added I think.

For MDH:
I know that these magnesium needs specials handling (do not use water,ecc.). How can I bind them? NC laquer? what happens if I use fine magnesium (I have the finest grade:230-500 MESH). What prime is needed?

In Topic: How to roll stars ?

02 March 2008 - 04:20 PM

Hello, I'm new in rolling stars! I built my own star roller, but I can't understand what is the right inclination of the bowl. If it's very inclinated the cores skids without rolling on the sides of the bowl, if the bowl is more upright then the cores starts to bounce all around. Can I have an advice?

Thanks a lot!

This is my star roller in action:

In Topic: Roman Candles

23 February 2008 - 02:18 PM

Yes, chlorates are incompatibles with sulfur, so I will never put them togheter, but my guess is another: can a standard perchlorate star (such as a veline one) ignite because I'm ramming on it some delay powder?