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Member Since 02 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2008 03:32 PM

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In Topic: Water fall effect firework

02 October 2008 - 04:17 AM

One day I might try make one.
For now, where could I purchase one for next month?

In Topic: Water fall effect firework

28 September 2008 - 06:12 PM

The link to the fireworks museum is excellent, It has brought back many more memories.
The Greenman link is also excellent, I would like to try and make one of these waterfall fireworks but i might be being a little too ambitious right now as my firework making skills are non existant as of yet. I can remember the devil amongst tailers as shown in this link, what a piece of kit!
One thing ive never seen as im too young!!! is the jumping jack!, ive heard of these but believe they were banned before my time?
I might start with something simple like a fountain. Can I buy the tubes ready made anywhere or do I need to make them myself?

In Topic: Water fall effect firework

27 September 2008 - 08:56 PM

phildunford, If you made that, i wouldnt mind coming round yours at bonfire night!! Thats awsome.

firefiend, it was the Standard waterfall in question, seing that has brought back many memories.

Nov 5th has always been memorable for me, from as young as I can remember, we used to celebrate bonfire night. I was brought up in the 'standard' days and remember quite well the smells of the fireworks, rockets bigger than myself, a crackling bonfire, and all the traditional edibles' that go with it.
My dad used to light 3-2-1 bangers on a wall, and I remember such names as the Traffic light, Jack in the box, snow serpant, chysanthiums, flood light, a type of roman candle where there were 3 mounted on a plywood board, and the air b**b batteries too!
Although not standard, we would always have a pack of screeching mini rockets aswell, and launch them from an old type milk bottle!
Nov 5th always seemed freezing cold as a kid, My mum would dress me up in hat, gloves and scarf and we would light sparklers too.
At the end of the night we would collect all the powder that was left in the box and 'geenie' it on the fire, and I always used to save the empty firework cases.
As a kid, me and my brother would make a guy, sit him on our go cart and take it outside our local newsagents, I wonder what would happen if kids did that today?
I miss the proper standard fireworks, the stuff you buy today i dont think is a scratch on the 80's stuff. Its a shame there gone, I think the only way to re live those memories like that for myself and my kids will be to re-manufacture them myself...........so ill read on!