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hannah chen

Member Since 22 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2008 03:02 AM

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In Topic: Remote firing

25 August 2008 - 01:53 AM

[quote name='zebedee' date='Jul 24 2008, 04:41 AM' post='46706']
hopefully this is in the right section......

I use Cat3 fireworks and have done displays for several years manually lighting the fireworks, onviousley as cat 3 they have visco fuses.

apart from the bright spark unit (which wont suit me) are there any units available to non licensed users (I gather Merlin do..are these any good?) and will any of the remote leads (ematches) able to set visco fuses off?

any help or ideas would be great
hi, zebedee
We are a firing system factory in China. Recently, our factory have researched a new kind of firing ignitor, which is called the secure igniter.That's mean, this ignitor not contained the chemicals, so any one can use it to display the fireworks,not only the professionals.Besides,our factory produces many kinds of firing system,if you are interested in them,pls enter into our website:www.firingsystem.net Maybe it will help you in some degree.Thanks.

In Topic: Remote firing

25 August 2008 - 01:45 AM

hopefully this is in the right section......

I use Cat3 fireworks and have done displays for several years manually lighting the fireworks, onviousley as cat 3 they have visco fuses.

apart from the bright spark unit (which wont suit me) are there any units available to non licensed users (I gather Merlin do..are these any good?) and will any of the remote leads (ematches) able to set visco fuses off?

any help or ideas would be great