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Member Since 12 Oct 2009
Offline Last Active Nov 04 2009 11:21 PM

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In Topic: The Supermarket Topic

28 October 2009 - 03:32 PM

They certainly used to, all year round. Had a good range, too. I forget the name, it was like a seperate firework shop attached to the side of a bigger joke shop.

I go to Newcastle a lot - was near there today, but can't think of any other fireworks shops.

ah well im going into town today so ill have a look, thanks pal

:-( I was afraid of this. Got two packs of them already but definitely won't be getting any more. Did it have any effect to speak of? Looks like the only decent rockets I've got this year are the Kimbolton Medusa ones, all the others being Lidl TNT and Sainsbury's Standard.

the rocket head looks quite big but its half empty, its really a very small effect about a tenth of the effect of the blue apollo rockets last year. very poor.

In Topic: The Supermarket Topic

28 October 2009 - 12:53 AM

I'm afraid I can't speak for this year's selection but last year we had a pack of Standard High Fidelity rockets from Sainsbury's (free with voucher but 'r.r.p.' of £29.99), which looked similar-ish to the £24.99 BOGOF ones, and they were not very good at all. Weak explosion, almost non-existent effect. I wouldn't be surprised if these were equally disappointing.

We had a pack of 5 Benstar 'Blue Apollo' rockets from Lidl (cost £9.99 if I remember rightly) which were excellent - really loud bang, incredibly impressive effect. A third of the price but ten times the quality (admittedly only half as many rockets but still, no comparison in terms of value for money). I'm disappointed Lidl have a new range this year :-( Have some of the TNT Warhawk rockets but I'm not expecting them to be as good as last year's Blue Apollo rockets.

thanks dude, yea i had the blue apollo rockets last year and really wanted them this year. The warhawk rockets from lidl this year are really poor, dont buy any more if you were planning to. I did a test one and it was tottaly rubbish

Put it this way.

It's five single shot Roman Candles, which typically would be around £5.99, give or take.

A pack of new spec 1.4G rockets will be OK, but nothing special- shop around, you can get rockets of that performance for about £7, give or take.

So not such a good offer, really.

I can't really offer many alternatives from supermarkets- Morrisons do a bees cake for £5, which is quite a nice low noise effect, and a "pen lids" cake, 100 shots, for £5, which is OK at that price.

Are you in Newcastle? A few years ago there was a joke shop that did fireworks, not sure if he is still there, they might be worth trying. Near the bus station, Goose pub etc.

thanks man, yea im in Newcastle ill give that place a look, i didnt know they sold fireworks there. Thanks for your altervatives

In Topic: The Supermarket Topic

27 October 2009 - 09:17 PM

Hey does anyone know if the £25.00 BOG OF offer is any good from sainsburys, thats the shot tubes and rockets. Thinking of getting them, or offer altervatives which can be bought at a super market

In Topic: Lidl/ TNT Rocket pack

22 October 2009 - 07:56 PM

i bought one pack and set one off to see if i should buy some more, and yea they are a real disapointment compared to last years £10 rockets from lidl, blue apollo from benstar. Quite brilliant.