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Member Since 11 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2010 07:25 AM

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In Topic: Another new member that's keen to learn!

14 December 2009 - 08:01 PM

Thanks for the welcoming replies so far chaps. I'll look into that document when I have a moment and certainly before I actually do anything! I'm on fairly good terms with my Firearms and Explosives licensing department as I now hold firearm and shotgun certificates and reload my own ammunition. My one big mishap (and you're not wrong, it was big!) was the only clash I ever had with the law and apart from that I've never even had a parking ticket! The law with firearms is that if you have served under 3 years at HM pleasure you may apply and be granted a shotgun or firearm certificate 5 years from your release date, assuming no other crimes have been committed and have good reason to do so. I'd assume explosives are similar. I know I could have a black powder license if I chose to shoot antiques.

I have a big interest in anything like this if I'm honest. You've already read what I was looking up when I found the forum! I think the big difference now though is that I know I can read about it but not do it. When I got charged I thought I would never get my FAC, and shooting was and is my life. That thought really hurt. It may sound funny to people who are against the private ownership of firearms, but they actually force you to stay on the straight and narrow! I know if I slip up again they're gone, maybe for five years or possibly for ever. That's just not going to happen!