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Member Since 07 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 16 2010 03:09 PM

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Chlorate levels in dust aerosols

09 March 2010 - 03:22 PM


i was wondering if someone could help me with some information regarding chlorates. I'm currently performing some tests on chlorates, and i'm encountering some problems to detect it. I'm trying to extract it from aerosol dust samples. I already have established an accurate method using visible spectrophotometry to detect the concentration of chlorate in standard solutions. However i seem to be unable to detect any in dust. Anyone knows if dust actually modifies the chlorate in some way?! or tends to adsorb it rather strongly?! I'm simply trying to extract chlorates from the dust with water and heating. Then finally i centrifuge,and test the supernate for chlorates using my validated method. I know the extraction process is rather simple, however chlorates are highly soluble in water, so i assumed this process should have been enough.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.