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Member Since 24 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 25 2010 07:14 PM

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In Topic: Al powder technique

25 July 2010 - 06:19 PM

I have a 6lbs ball mill form united nuclear
Ill try it with steel balls(can i mix 1/2in lead with 1/4in steel balls) , as far as time is concerned it only takes me about 20min to shred 100-150g then 5min of blending
my utility are paid for by the university I attend, energy cost wont be an issue. One of the above posters mentioned using stearic acid as a process modifier? Whats a process modifier and would the inclusion of just the stearic acid help at all?

oh and buying it.....not as much fun.

In Topic: Al powder technique

25 July 2010 - 05:35 AM

well i was able to cut off the ends of the can leaving me with a coil, then i cut the coil leaving me with a ribbon which i then fed into a paper shredder and that left me with diamond shape pieces (about 2-3cm) then i put them into the Magic Bullet(blender) that I received as a Christmas present last year and that left me with some particles a little bigger than sand

My question is if I were to then mill the Al particles with lead media would that do the trick or would the aluminum be to dense or what would be a more effective media
as for just buying it:I'm really on a tight budget and cans are pretty plentiful plus i like a little challenge