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Member Since 21 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2011 04:53 PM

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In Topic: small amount of fire needed!

22 March 2011 - 11:11 PM

Well done Magician, nice effect! what was the remote you used?

Thanks. I used a 433MHz remote control unit I found on ebay, plus a bit of homebrew electronics to drive a subminiature relay. These units are quite cheap (they are originally designed for car locking systems I think); the only trouble is that they come from Hong Kong and take an age to arrive.

In Topic: small amount of fire needed!

20 March 2011 - 03:39 PM

Well, I cracked it.

It uses 34swg nichrome wire, about 3cm in total, and three AA cells (4.5V). The nichrome ignites a strike-anywhere match, disguised with black marker pen, which ignites the wick. The wire doesn't burn through (hopefully) so it can be reused but if necessary the whole thing dismantles quite easily: some of the "wax" is in fact fimo clay.

In Topic: small amount of fire needed!

23 February 2011 - 10:17 AM

This is very interesting -


although not as far as I can see in production

In Topic: small amount of fire needed!

23 February 2011 - 09:46 AM

Thanks for the link - but it looks very unconvincing and plasticky in the picture. The problem for me is that the magician has to hold that candle - presumably to press the piezo igniter. Really just a disguised cigarette lighter?
Christmas tree lights are an option, with the right pyrogen.

In Topic: small amount of fire needed!

23 February 2011 - 09:46 AM

Thanks for the link - but it looks very unconvincing and plasticky in the picture. The problem for me is that the magician has to hold that candle - presumably to press the piezo igniter. Really just a disguised cigarette lighter?
Christmas tree lights are an option, with the right pyrogen.