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Member Since 25 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 12 2011 11:27 AM

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In Topic: Mortars and Flash Bangs

02 August 2011 - 08:53 AM


I would not, of course, be useing homemade pyrotechnics anywhere near any other people and nor would I use them at a display; this is purely a hobby which is confined to a big field in the countryside! Besides, I don't pay for the FX used in the display anyway, so it would not be in my interest to use my own, and nor would I be allowed.


In Topic: Mortars and Flash Bangs

01 August 2011 - 04:06 PM

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the advice. I should probably clarify what I meant by mortar; I sometimes help out with a display we put on with the air cadets near us. It basically consists of a small scale mock battle, the main pyrotechnic aspect apart from the blanks fired being a couple of, what we have always called, mortars. May be I have got the technical language wrong, but basically they make a bang and the more expensive ones have a flash too.

I will have a read around the forums; I have read some of the law section before, but I'll admit some of the more detailed parts were a little confusing.. From what I gather, a good place to start is making some black powder and its legal up to 100g, so I think I will have a go at that first. My long term ambition is to make some fireworks, but that's many years off for now; I want to build up some experience first.

Thanks again,
