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Member Since 10 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2012 09:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Dangerous mixtures

09 October 2012 - 04:45 PM

I know that potassium chlorate and sulphur are dangerous/unstable when mixed ( not that I would use chlorate anyway ) but have heard that potassium perchlorate and sulphur are ok together, no particular reason to ask as I cant see a big benefit in using sulphur and ppc but I would like to know. Also, how is Mg/Al with moisture/dampness, mg by itself will react but I think the alloy stops that occurring, nevertheless better to check. All other examples and info on things you should or shouldn't put together would be great, thanks

Flash Powder Info

16 September 2012 - 09:21 PM

Hi, firstly I would just like to apologise for the placement of this post, I was unsure as to where I should put this topic, secondly, I am aware that Flash Powder seems to be a bit of a sensitive subject which has been attributed to it being a bit of a grey area in terms of classification. However, I like to make Flash Powder at home and I am looking for a few answers on:
1. Is my FP a High Explosive?
2. Is the FP detonating as opposed to deflagrating?
3. Are there any more safety precautions I should be taking?
4. What other applications are there for FP?
5. General info and advice
Here are a few points;
-My FP is 2:1 Magnalium:Potassium Perchlorate
-It self-confined and exploded with a distinct bang in an open 2-3g pile but in small amounts it has just gone poof as well
-I only mix batches under 10g, usually 3g and always use the diaper method
-I wear a dust mask and make it outside
Right I think that's about it!