UK Pyrotechnics Society Elections 2008

The society currently has the following positions up for election:

1. Chairman (Currently Richard H)
2. Secretary (Currently John W)
3. Safety Officer (Currently Adam W)
4. Treasurer (Currently Gal-on B)

These four individuals make up the society management team. This team then chooses a newsletter editor, membership secretary and a few other smaller roles from within the membership base.

The society also had a vice chairman, however, from our previous experience this is not needed for an organisation of our size and the role is not required for the foreseeable future.

Any member either current or prospective of the society that is paid up by the 25th February 2008 can put forward their application for any one of the above roles. That means that those who are not currently eligible can join the society and submit their appointment. If you are not sure whether you are eligible (because you submitted your membership request but have yet to get a card – or you are still waiting for your renewal letter), then please send a message to the secretary by either a PM or e-mail.

The following position holders have already expressed their interest in nominating themselves for re-election in 2008:

Richard H – Chairman
Adam W – Safety Officer
Gal-on B – Treasurer.

John has done a great job at fielding the secretary position for the last two years, but has asked to step down as he feels his current workload does not permit him to continue at the standard required for this position.

Role Descriptions:

1. Chairman – You will be required to have experience in managing similar size organisations. The society is not currently large enough to require full-blown company management experience but familiarity in managing a sports club, hobby club or other type of organizations is important.

In this role you will have to lay down the vision for the direction and responsibilities of the society and put forward a plan for these visions to happen. This role has legal responsibilities and obligations, which must be fulfilled.

2. Secretary – The secretary is responsible for the every day operation of the society. The secretary is required to communicate procedure, check that time tables are met and make sure that all teams operate as agreed by the society management.

This position is probably the most time consuming of all positions as it requires at least one communication every two-weeks with all members of the management team. This role has legal responsibilities and obligations, which must be fulfilled.

3. Safety Officer – You will put in place safety procedures for our events and operations and be responsible for ensuring that these are being followed so as to keep the society running in a safe manner.

4. Treasurer – Responsible for managing the society’s budget and ensuring all income and outgoings are reported and in good order. Also responsible for filing the annual accounts and delivering statutory documents to HMRC and Companies House.

Candidates should be aware that all positions require occasional travel to attend meetings, site surveys and other business matters. Certain expenses will be compensated but all board members are expected to be reasonable and practicable regarding this issue. Please remember we are a non-profit organisation and depend upon the assistance of volunteers to sustain our existence.

No roles are renumerated by wage or salary.

Members who wish to stand for election need to submit a short half page candidate notice; describing themselves and why they are fit for the position. A list of candidates will be published by the 1st of March and put to vote in the AGM, which is scheduled for mid-March (announcement will soon follow).

PLEASE NOTE that the secretary position is currently fully open and has no candidates are nominated as of yet. If you have the time and organization skills, please consider standing. Anyone thinking about doing so should contact John W to understand any legal implications arising from this position before making a decision.

UK Pyrotechnics Society Management Team

Posted in News

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